Upgrade to WordPress 3.0

Long time ago, I heard that from WordPress 3.0, it will just simply replace wordpress MU by supporting multi-site function.

For a long time, I haven’t update this blog, because lack of time to maintain such a self-brand platform. Also I’m not sure whether my site can be upgrade to new wordpress smoothly.

Today, I logged into my dashboard by chance and just found out it could automatically upgrade to 3.0! Without a deep thinking, I press the “upgrade” button immediately. And thanks to God, everything just workout fine.

Now, I’m typing this post under *NEW* shinny wordpress 3.0 dashboard :-)


今天登陆 ialog 的后台,发现 wordpressMU 的版本已经升级到 2.9.1 了。毫不犹豫地升级了。

在升级完成那一刹那,记起来没有备份之前的数据, 心里一下子紧张起来。最近这两天 升级 Discuz 和 UCenterHome 都不是很顺利。尤其是Discuz 现在还有CSS丢失的情况…真是头疼。

查看各个Blog发现情况正常,都可以访问。可是在打开 http://coffee_tea.ialog.com 的管理后台时,问题来了 :-( 后台打开居然一片空白!!


幸好这两天的打击已经锻炼了我的心智,通过 主Blog的后台把 http://coffee_tea.ialog.com 强制替换成了默认模板,再次打开后台时终于看到一行提示:

Fatal errorCall to undefined function get_home_path() … /wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 152

登录FTP查看 misc.php 的第152行,居然是一个 IIS7 的 URL rewirte 规则!我可是跑在Apache上的服务啊,怎么会这条给搞成 Fatal Error 了。太没面子啦。


不管这次的改动会不会影响到其他的功能…先解决了眼前的问题再说 :-)
