PerformancingMetrics是我最近才开始用的统计工具,Performance原来出过一个metrics工具,可是似乎因为不怎么好用所以被停掉了。后来Peformancing 和 clicky合作推出的新的Metrics算是名门之后了。整个UI和功能都是出自Clicky的手笔。有免费用户和收费用户的区别。收费用户最多可以添加10个站点的数据,每天记录的PV可以到50,000.刚开始注册的时候会有21天的收费用户试用,如果21天后不付费就会调整为普通用户。在其他功能上两者没什么太大的区别。
What is the difference between free and premium service?
Premium service gives you support for more sites (up to 10) and higher traffic levels (up to 50,000 page views / day average). You’ll also get some great additional features like RSS feeds, Spy, SSL support, outbound link tracking, and download tracking. When you first register, you get a 21 day trial of premium. If you decide not to pay the extremely reasonable fee to continue premium service, you are downgraded to our free ‘basic’ plan, which has limited features and supports less traffic. You can upgrade at any time, though!
Technorati Tags: peformancing, analytics, metrics