links for 2006-12-14


Elephants Dream
HDDVD Package Shot

HDDVD上第一部采用CC协议的电影“Elephants Dream”已经可以在Amazon.de上购买到了。


Elephants Dream is the world’s first open movie, made entirely with open source graphics software such as Blender, and with all production files freely available to use however you please, under a Creative Commons license.

其他的信息其实在网上已经有很多了。比如 这个网站就是介绍这个片子的 ;-)

Starting today, Elephants Dream is officially available as the
first European HD DVD title beyond the USA and Japan. The title,
produced by Imagion AG, based in Trierweiler (Germany), thus heralds
the start of the next generation formats. The goal of the German
authoring studio: to turn this pioneering release into a reference
product that impressively demonstrates the vast possibilities of the
new format.

这部”大象之梦“到底是什么东西? 我也不知道,只知道他是用Blender3D制作的短片。有兴趣的话,可以先去网站下载来看看。至于为什么11分钟的短片被做成了HDDVD,说实话,我也不知道。(内容? 不行,不能讲)


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