

Today we are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Linode Cloud services in Tokyo, Japan!
This new facility will service the growing Asia Pacific demand for low-latency cloud services, and joins the growing number of options for your Linode Cloud deployments. The Tokyo facility delivers all of our services including Linodes, Managed Backups, and NodeBalancers.
There is no premium for placing Linode instances in our Asia Pacific location. Pricing for this location is the same as our other facilities.
You can use our speedtest page to test latency and download speeds from Tokyo or any of our six facilities. We can easily migrate your Linodes from one facility to another — just open a support ticket and we’ll take care of you.

经过试验,东京机房的下载速度比原先Fremont的速度要快很多。所以决定立马搬迁服务器去东京。地图上看看Fremont和东京之间远隔重洋,可是整个搬迁过程也不过就是几个小时而已。现在Linode的后台创建一个需要搬迁服务器的Support ticket,很快会有客服人员联系你告诉你新的服务器IP地址。然后你需要做的就是关闭现在的服务器,点击一颗按钮而已。等后台的任务都结束之后,你再开启服务器就好。整个搬迁的过程中,你可以顺便把DNS Manager中原先设置的IP地址换成新的。如果你的 Apache 配置中也指定了IP地址的话,记得在搬迁结束之后把配置文件中的IP也修改一下。
